
Miltitary Christmas Humour

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  • hamiltonhacker
    Tour Pro
    • Aug 5, 2007
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    Miltitary Christmas Humour

    From the Vietnam war (glossary of terms at the end):

    Chet Lynn (1932-2001) was a Marine, who rose from teenaged enlisted man to major, while earning a Purple Heart during the long walk out from the Chosin Reservoir and later doing his bit in Vietnam. Like many another veteran, Chet often told stories about life in uniform or little bits of military humor, including this, about which he wrote, “The holidays are creeping up on us and I ran across a tattered old ditto copy of a bit of doggerel that was put together in 'Nam sometime around 1967.

    “When the Third Platoon Gunned Down Santa Claus”

    There's strange things done 'neath the Vietnamese sun.
    But the thing that locked my jaws
    was the night 'neath the moon,
    the third platoon gunned down Santa Claus.

    It started off right just another night, you had to spend in the dirt,
    security was out, 360 about with fifty percent alert.
    We had 81s and naval guns our tanks were track to track,
    an Ontos or so an arty FO with barrages back to back.

    I froze where I stood 'cause out of the wood
    eight horses came charging along,
    this may sound scary those mustangs were hairy,
    "Oh no," I moaned," mounted Viet Cong."

    They were coming our way, pulling what looked like a sleigh,
    you never knew what they'd use,
    our flares were tripped, our SIDs had flipped
    Our tipsy blew a fuse.

    We let them close then we yelled "who goes"
    like they do in the movie show,
    the answer we got, believe it or not,
    was a hearty," Ho Ho Ho."

    Now these troops of mine have seen some time,
    they've done some things back-assward,
    they may be thick but I'll tell you a trick,
    they knew that wasn't the password.

    The nineties roared the 81's soared,
    the naval guns raised hell,
    bright red flare flew through the air,
    as we fired our FPL.

    I'll grant him guts, but that man was nuts,
    or I'm a no good liar.
    He dropped like a stone in our killing zone,
    I passed the word, "cease fire".

    I went out and took a real good look,
    my memory started to race.
    My mind plays games when it comes to names
    but I never forget a face.

    He was dressed in red and he looked well fed,
    older than most I'd seen,
    he looked right weird, with that long white beard
    and stumps where his legs had been.

    He hadn't quite died when I reached his side,
    but the end was clearly in sight,
    I knelt down low and he said real slow,
    "Merry Christmas . . . and to all, a good night”

    Now we should have known our cools were blown
    when that light in the East we seen,
    I thought it was flares and it had to be theirs,
    or the damned things would have been green,

    I picked up the hook with a voice that shook
    said "gimme the Six and quick,”
    “Colonel," I said, "hang on to your head,
    we just greased old St. Nick".

    Now the old man’s cool, he's nobody's fool,
    right off he knew the word,
    if this got out, there'd be no doubt,
    he wouldn't be making his bird.

    "Just get him up here and we'll play it by ear,
    make sure he's got a tag,
    dismantle the sleigh, drive those reindeer away,
    and bury that God damned bag".

    Now by and by the kiddies may cry,
    'cause nothing’s under the tree’,
    but the word came back from FMF Pac,
    that Santa had gone VC.

    There's strange things done 'neath the Vietnamese sun,
    but the time that locked my jaws,
    was the night neath the moon,
    When the third platoon gunned down Santa Claus.
    Glossary: Some of Chet’s terms may be unfamiliar, so we’ve added this little guide, though we don’t know all the terms either.

    81’s 81-mm mortars

    360 About Complete perimeter alert

    Bird An eagle, the insignia of a full colonel, as Chet’s c/o was only a lieutenant colonel

    FMF PAC Fleet Marine Forces, Pacific

    FPL Final Protective Line – the last ditch defense line

    FO Forward Observer, a soldier, sailor, marine, or airman who spots for artillery (arty) or air attacks from the front lines

    Ontos The “Ontos” M50 Motor Carriage, a unique armored vehicle used by the Marine Corps for some years in the late 1950s through the ‘60s, mounting six 106 mm rec oiless rifles, all facing forward. Loosely translated, “Ontos” is Greek for “The Thing.”

    SIX Six/ 6 refer to the commander and sometimes his headquarters

    SID’s Possibly Signals Intelligence Division

    Tag Identification attached to a corpse to indicate an enemy combatant

    VC Viet Cong, the Communist guerrilla forces in South Vietnam
  • ace in the hazard
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    Re: Miltitary Christmas Humour

    Here's a financial version written by my buddy in Singapore:

    Twas the day before Christmas, our clocks so far ahead
    That London was really just going to bed;
    The stocks kept on rallying with nary a care,
    In hopes that St. Stimulus would always be there;

    The fixed income longs all shivered in their beds,
    While visions of past bonuses danc’d in their heads,
    And I in my flip flops, and coffee in hand
    Had settled my brain for a Christmas with sand –

    When out of my screens there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang to my Bloomberg to see what was the matter.
    NI BOJ<GO> I typed in a flash,
    Certain that Abe had made the Yen crash.

    The brilliant sun sparkling in the harbour below
    Gave the massive container ships a holiday glow;
    When, what to my wandering eyes should appear,
    But a giant helicopter, full of central bank peers.

    With an old, Princeton driver, so bearded and trim,
    I knew in a moment, it must be St. Stim!
    Broke and defeated, his critics they came,
    And he drily, academically, called them by name:

    “Now Hussman. Now Rosie. Edwards and Mauldin,
    On Gross. On Grice. And you, Tyler Durden;
    To the cheapest of money. To all-time equity highs.
    Dash away. I will crush you ‘till no-one hears all your cries.”

    He was clad all in coupons, clipped from all sorts of paper,
    Since he owned all the bonds, despite claims of taper.
    Unlimited swap lines he carried on his back,
    With trillions of dollars spilling out from his pack.

    Kuroda and Goldman’s Carney were laughing with glee,
    While Goldman’s Draghi could not stop yelling “OMT!”
    Abe dumped piles of Yen like a river,
    Yellen wanted to drive but this was Bernanke’s loot to deliver.

    So certain of success was this free-spending elf,
    And I’ve excoriated Central Bankers in spite of myself;
    A wink of his eye and the shine from his head
    Reminded me of the causes of P&L dread.

    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
    Filled the banks with endless money, then turned with a jerk.
    And giving me the finger, he turned up his nose,
    Took some noodles as collateral and then up he rose.

    He sprung to his chopper, saying: “rates might be zero…
    But now is my chance to go out like a hero!”
    And he called to the bears, as the S&P rallied out of sight,
    “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
    What's in the Sunmountain 4.5?

    10.5 M2 with Speeder 77 Stiff 3 wood shaft
    TM Rescue 17*
    TM M2 4-AW
    TM RAC 52/56 CG15 60
    Odyssey 2 Ball with Superstroke Fatso


    • hamiltonhacker
      Tour Pro
      • Aug 5, 2007
      • 2911
      • Hamilton
      • Lawyer

      Re: Miltitary Christmas Humour

      Good One



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